A Model for the Classifications of Knowledge
To be applied universally in the Theory of Acceptance of Knowledge...
The Innate Healing Abilities of the Mind
The Placebo Effect alone proves that we can heal ourselves...
A Model for Understanding the Psyche
Based on common sense and 12 years of eastern psychological practice...
The Most Important Work of Philosophy of All-Time
The Measurement of Existence in the Theory of Acceptance of Knowledge
Re-evaluating Current Knowledge in Science Using the Scientific Method
The definition of scientific knowledge...
The Impossible Intercontinental Migrations of Species
What they didn't teach us about the theory of evolution...
The First Observations of the Planets Were Made Using the Naked Eye
The Babylonians discovered the mathematical patterns of the movement of the planets...
What We Believe to be Dark Matter is Not Considered to be Matter
The law of gravity changes on a supermassive scale...
The Analysis of Mathematical Formulas in the Physical World
How all the factors involved together affect the outcome...
A Model for a Well-Informed Analysis of a Client in Clinical Therapy
Determining the root cause that induced the mental suffering...
The EMP threat from the Sun
All electrical equipment on Earth will be destroyed...
The Current Model For All Psychiatric Diagnoses is Borrowed From Astrology
The First Dinosaur Fossils Were Found in the 1800's
The First Observations of the Planets Were Made Using the Naked Eye
Even according to NASA, our first observations of Mars and other planets like Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury including their mathematical patterns of movement were made with plain eyesight and were recorded on this Babylonian tablet right here.
With basic chemistry.
Clouds are a gas. Ice is a solid. NASA confirmed water flows on Mars in the year 2015.
Google search has a bunch of sources including NASA and even nature.com all confirming that the clouds on Mars are made of ice

Clouds. Made of ice. Made of ice crystals. Floating in the air. In the tightly packed arrangement of solid particles.
The Replication Crisis in Psychiatry and Western Psychology
In the fields of psychiatric medicine and western psychology, scientists are currently figuring out that the results to many of the experiments performed in these fields cannot be replicated. In order for something to be considered scientific knowledge, you must be able to replicate the experiments in any setting in the world under the same conditions and get the same results. This is not the case for the experiments of western psychology and psychiatry. The most frightening part of this issue is that these experiments are used to prove statistical significance for gaining approval to use a medicinal drug in psychiatry. It has been found that doctors use data manipulation techniques such as stopping the intake of data as soon as a desired percentage has been reached as well as rounding the probability value to 0.5, which is the highest you can round the probability value to in order to prove statistical significance for use of a drug as a psychiatric medication.
They don't teach about the replication crisis in college in these fields and try to keep this information low-key. Many of the psychiatric and western psychological concepts and beliefs are disputable and the placebo effect is evidence of the innate healing abilities of the mind.
Statistical data is not what we consider to be scientific knowledge as according to the scientific method.
Pangea is a Hypothesis
The supercontinent of Pangea is a mere hypothesis. What caused Pangea to break up 180 million years ago? There is no valid answer available other than the currently observed movement of the tectonic plates was simply back-traced to a starting point.
"Scientists believe that Pangea broke apart for the same reason that the plates are moving today."
And in order for the rocks to make sense, there were other supercontinents before known as Gondwana and Rodinia. So according to this, all the land masses merge together over millions of years until they catch all the other landmasses in this ball of landmass, and then they somehow break up again. There is no answer as to what caused Pangea, Gondwana, or Rodinia to break up other than we know the tectonic plates move.
Also how did the Native Hawaiians get there? How did the monkey get to America? The theory of evolution is logically impossible.
The Correct Theory is Intelligent Design
The difference between most people and myself when I ask the questions "How did the Native Hawaiians get there?" or "How did the monkey get to South America?" is that most people will quickly dismiss the idea that the migration of these species from one corner of the world to another is logically impossible if they didn't take enough time to think about it and process it through. The migrations of these species or groups of people cannot be explained by logical means. The explanations for these migrations that are presented to us in the theory of evolution are ridiculous and I cover them in this article.
Consider the following factual statements:
- There is a monkey in South America.
- There is a monkey in Africa and Asia.
- The common ancestor of the monkey existed 21 million years ago.
- 21 million years ago, the continents were separated by vast oceans which existed as massive geological barriers for land animals.
- Migration is only possible by land, sea, or air.
- The monkey couldn't have migrated to South America from Africa by land, sea, or by air.
If those species couldn't have migrated there, then life was intelligently designed.
Therefore, all beliefs that our existence is due to random chance are false.
Charles Darwin realized the same thing: