A Model for the Classifications of Knowledge
To be applied universally in the Theory of Acceptance of Knowledge...
The Innate Healing Abilities of the Mind
The Placebo Effect alone proves that we can heal ourselves...
A Model for Understanding the Psyche
Based on common sense and 12 years of eastern psychological practice...
The Most Important Work of Philosophy of All-Time
The Measurement of Existence in the Theory of Acceptance of Knowledge
Re-evaluating Current Knowledge in Science Using the Scientific Method
The definition of scientific knowledge...
The Impossible Intercontinental Migrations of Species
What they didn't teach us about the theory of evolution...
The First Observations of the Planets Were Made Using the Naked Eye
The Babylonians discovered the mathematical patterns of the movement of the planets...
What We Believe to be Dark Matter is Not Considered to be Matter
The law of gravity changes on a supermassive scale...
The Analysis of Mathematical Formulas in the Physical World
How all the factors involved together affect the outcome...
A Model for a Well-Informed Analysis of a Client in Clinical Therapy
Determining the root cause that induced the mental suffering...
The EMP threat from the Sun
All electrical equipment on Earth will be destroyed...