The knowledge that they hide from the public eye.

The Theory of Evolution Cannot be True and This is Why

I would like to begin by saying that I received an A in my evolutionary biology class and that I have a solid foundation for my understanding of the theory of evolution. In college, we are taught that "all the evidence that we have collected in the last 100 years since Charles Darwin has agreed with this theory." I would like to point your attention to several examples where this statement is not true. It should be worrisome to professionals in the field of biology that the following examples of knowledge are being overlooked and kept outside of our education and textbooks.
I also quote Charles Darwin at the end of this article, who predicted that if the following examples are true, then it would present great difficulty to his theory in his original publication of "On the Origin of Species" the 1st edition in 1859. We obtained this evidence in the 1950's and yet the science community continues to overlook it and is reluctant to adjust to new accepted beliefs in science.

"Not all four corners of the world have been explored yet." -Charles Darwin

The Polynesian Migration

The Polynesian Migration is a great example of the major gap in the theory of evolution: The theory of migration of the same species to different corners of the world. I will present to you several examples of how migration of the same species to different corners of the world doesn't make sense in this article.  
To answer the question of how humans got to the Pacific Islands, scientists came up with the theory of the Polynesian Migration. This theory claims that ancient people crossed thousands of miles into the Pacific Ocean on low-tech canoes with their livestock like dogs, pigs, and chickens in lucky migrations to islands that appear like needles in a haystack with no navigation tools and only knowledge of the stars. Others believe that the ancient Polynesians explored 16 million square miles of ocean. The Native Hawaiians didn't have any maps for archeological evidence and the only map that is claimed to be found is Tupaia's map, which is a highly contested archeological item. Does this sound believable?
Tupaia's Map

That's not all. The proponents of this theory also believe that the Polynesian rat was accidentally introduced into every single island in Hawaii.
The Polynesian Rat
Even if we are to believe that the Native Hawaiians brought the Polynesian rat with them thousands of miles across the ocean in canoes by accident and then accidentally introduced them into every single island in Hawaii, then we still have to consider the Native Hawaiian snail species. The snail, whose current estimation of origination dates back to 500 million years ago (which recently was dated back to 85 million years ago), would have had to have taken a migration path of land, sea, or air to migrate to the Hawaiian islands which were never connected by land to any of the megacontinents that formed in the past history of the timeline of earth known as Pangea, Gondwana, and Rodinia. Since snails don't fly, the snail would have also had to have traveled on the canoes with the Native Hawaiians during their currently believed migration to the Hawaiian islands, and then it would have had to evolve into all the Native Hawaiian snail species.
When it comes to the migration of the native species in Hawaii, you must always give consideration to all the endemic species that are unique to the Hawaiian islands.

This theory states that the Native Hawaiians migrated to the Hawaiian Islands from the Marquesas Islands. These islands are 2,000 miles apart across the Pacific Ocean. 
Polynesian natives had no knowledge of this migration or any knowledge of long-distance voyaging on canoes. However, in the 1970's, scientists built the Native Hawaiians a performance-accurate canoe designed for long-distance voyaging with modern engineering named the Hokule'a which claims successful voyages across the Pacific Ocean as well as some desperate rescue situations. Is there anything fishy about this?
The Hōkūleʻa
The Evolutionary Biology textbook I had for college tries to cover up knowledge of the Polynesian Migration by using the Hawaiian Islands to wrongly assume the opposing argument.
In the Evolutionary Biology Textbook
If we would naturally answer that elephants couldn't get to the Hawaiian Islands as the textbook states, then wouldn't we naturally answer that humans and their livestock couldn't get there either for the exact same reason?

The Migration of Humans to the Americas through Beringia

How did humans migrate to populate the Americas? Some scientists believe that no more than a few thousand people crossed the land bridge that existed from Siberia to Alaska during the last ice age when the sea levels dropped, but they really have no idea because they found evidence of human life in South America dating back to 20,000 years ago.

The Beringia Land Bridge
Is the migration of humans to the Americas through Beringia a believable story? Did every other species that we see in the Americas as well as in Asia also migrate to the Americas through this land bridge that existed during the last ice age?

How did the monkey get to America?

One may wrongly assume that we have the same species in the Americas as in Asia because all the landmasses on the earth once formed a supercontinent called Pangea, but Pangea broke up 175 million years ago and the common ancestor of the monkey lived around 21 million years ago.
The Supercontinent Pangea

The shape of the earth 21 million years ago, when the common ancestor of the monkey existed, more closely resembles the shape of the world today as the landmasses were already separated by vast oceans which existed as massive geological barriers for migration of land species.
The earth (21 million years ago)
Is this story of the common ancestor of the monkey floating across the ocean on mats of vegetation believable?

How Did Any of the Species of the Same Origin Get to America?

The internet lacks much information on how species of the same genus migrated to the Americas from the other continents. For example, a google search of "How did the alligator make it to America?" yields no answers.

What Charles Darwin said about this in "On the Origin of Species"

Charles Darwin made a strong point on the importance of the idea that all species originated from a single source for the theory of evolution to hold water. He states that because of "vast geographical and climatal changes which have supervened since ancient times" that "almost any migration is possible." However, they did not have the geological knowledge that we have today back in the 1800's and at that time there were parts of the world that haven't been explored yet.
I have presented to you several examples of where there is great difficulty in understanding the migrations of the same species to different corners of the world, where it would be logically impossible to have occurred, and I've shed light on the lack of knowledge presented to us concerning this matter.

Make sure to also read:
For additional reading on the debunking of the theory of evolution:
© 2021 Hazon, Nir

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